From domestic to craft to import.
Beer in the Home Bar
A good selection of beer is a must.
What beer should you stock in your home bar?
There’s nothing like a nice cold beer when you’re looking for a little easy-drinking refreshment.
Start with What You Like to Drink
Unlike a liquor bottle, which can have a long shelf life in the home bar, beer tends to move more quickly. As arguably the most popular adult beverage in the world, start with the kind of beer that you like to drink (or that you know your friends or frequent visitors like to drink).
There’s no need to keep 10 different kinds of beer in stock. I have tried that route and for me it tends to end up with a lot of waste as beer does have a shelf life, so obscure brews may end up collecting dust (as hard as that is to believe). So stick with your favorite one or two beers and add two or three more for good measure. Having five different kinds of beer available is a respectable amount for a home bar.
Popular Brands, Craft Beer and Imports
In addition to the most popular domestic brands of beer, you may want to add a little interest to your offering by way of craft beers and imports. There are also some great non-alcoholic beers worth trying.
One important point that applies to anything you offer in your home bar is that you should be sure that you have tried what you have before offering it to others. There’s an expectation—even for a home bartender—that you have a certain amount of knowledge and awareness about what you’re serving. So if you’re offering a local craft beer or an uncommon import, be sure that you’ve tasted at least one in case you are asked what it’s like.
What Kind of Beer Should You Stock in Your Home Bar?
Beer is arguably the most popular adult beverage.
There is a wide range of beer varieties, with lagers, pilsners and pale ales being the most popular styles. Go to the Beer Blog for beer reviews.