The Bartender’s Notebook
Bartender Journal
Why it’s a Great Idea to Keep a Bartender Journal
One of the things I wish I’d thought of when I first got serious about mixology was to keep a bar journal.
Most bartenders have a notebook (their version of the little black book) where they keep track of everything to do with their craft. This can be favorite recipes that are closely guarded, things they’ve tried that worked, things that didn’t work, things they want to try in the future, or any number of other important points that they don’t want to forget. A bartender’s notebook is usually something that’s prized and valued.
What Kind of Notebook is Best?
First things first: yes, you could make your bar notebook a digital notebook on your phone, but for me I find it much quicker and easier to have a physical book to flip through and to jot down ideas. I’ll often have sketches of garnishes and drink ideas that I want to try as well, and that’s not really the same if I had a digital notepad.
So digital notebooks aside, I recommend that your bartender’s notebook should be spiral bound. This way the book will always sit flat on any surface and can be folded over to reduce it’s size. The actual size of the book is personal preference. Because I like to draw in mine, I have one that’s 6” x 8” (pictured above), but the size is really up to you.
A spiral bound journal is best to keep the book flat on the bar top.
Beyond size dimensions, the thickness is, again, personal preference. It depends how much you’ll need to carry it around or whether it will be stored at you bar most of the time.
What are your tips for what makes a good bartender notebook?
By Mike Belobradic
Wine, Spirits and Beer Virtuoso
Grand One Lounge