How to Make a Whiskey Sour

Whiskey Sour photo by Mike Belobradic

Whiskey Sour Recipe.

A classic Sour Cocktail Recipe Featuring Bourbon and Lemon Juice

The short sours are a group of cocktails near and dear to my heart. The Whiskey Sour in particular is a great cocktail for anyone who loves bourbon and enjoys a good tart sour flavor profile.

Whiskey Sour by Mike Belobradic

Whiskey Sour: the perfect balance of sour, sweet and bourbon.

Egg or No Egg

A traditional Whiskey Sour includes the addition of an egg white, which when shaken produces the light foamy texture you will see on top of many Whiskey Sours. However, it's not always practical to have an egg white ready on the home bar. Plus, there is a certain percentage of cocktail enthusiasts who don't want raw eggs in their cocktails. So this recipe does not include the egg white component. But trust me, this is a delicious cocktail with or without the egg white.

Whisky Sour garnish by Mike Belobradic, Grand One Lounge.

Whiskey Sour with simple garnish.

Whiskey Sour Ingredients

  • 2 oz bourbon

  • 1 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice

  • 1 oz simple syrup

Combine the bourbon, lemon juice and simple syrup in a shaker with ice and shake for 15 seconds. Shaking serves two purposes:

  1. it chills the contents quickly and

  2. it adds a small amount of dilution to the drink. 

After shaking, strain the cocktail into a glass, garnish with a slice of lemon, orange twist or maraschino cherry and serve.

For a fun tart twist, try the same recipe with fresh squeezed lime juice instead of lemon.

By Mike Belobradic
Wine, Spirits and Beer Virtuoso
Grand One Lounge


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